1895 Instruction Book of Bisbee’s

1895 The Parisian Tailor

1895: Casneau’s guide for artistic dress cutting and making

1895: The Art of Dressmaking

1896 The Kintzel Dress Cutting System

1896: Instruction book for the standard tailor system

1897 Mrs Herbert’s Scientific System

1902: Twentieth century instruction book; artistic ladies’ tailor system

1909: The American system of dressmaking

1911: Rosenbleet’s perfect system of ladies’ garment cutting, specially designed for self instruction (1911)

1913: Home dressmaking;

1913: Streiff’s system of garment cutting (1913)

1914 Manual of Apparel Drafting

1914 The Perfect Dressmaking System

1915 Fit-U-First

1915 The American Designer and Cutter

1915 The New Era Pattern

1915: The practical sketcher;

1916 The Dressmaker

1917: Text book with diagrams and illustrations …;