~ how to use these guides

“Direct link: Bold Blue text” this takes you off site directly to the work while “Read more” stays on my site to link to multiple sources. I have tried to create a primary image to illustrate what to expect from the book, some of these are images that are combined, some are screencaps of the book as archived, some are single landscape diagrams.

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1520 Albrecht Durer’s Tagebuch

1540s (?): Schuste, Meisterstückbuch

1540s- Il Libro del Sarto

1545- 1568: Nidermayr, Meisterstückbüch

1567-Breslau Polish cutting guide

1580: Juan de Alcega Libro de geometria, practica y traça

1588: Freyle, Geometria y traça para el oficio de los sastres

1589: Alcega, Libro de geometria, pratica y traça [Texto impreso]

1590 (?): Leonfeldner Schnittbuch

1590 (?): Schneidermusterbuch (Enns)

1617: Segovia, El libro Llibre de Geometría del ofici de sastres

1618: Rocha Burguen, Geometria y traça perteneciente al oficio de sastres

1628 (?): Tailors book of Poznań

1640: Anduxar, Geometria Y Trazas Pertenecientes Al Oficio De Sastres

1641- Kisszeben

1660 Schnittbuch aus Bregenz

1671: le Tailleur Sincere

1682: Bruck, Schnittmusterbuch

1700 Manuskrypt cechu krawców