1879-1880: The World of Fashion and Continental Feuilletons

Direct link: The World of fashion and continental feuilletons (1879-1880)

Published: 1879
Original from: Oxford University
Digitized: 18 Jan 2007

I have seen this in “Patterns of Fashion 2” for years so it’s nice to be able to put it in context!

There is also a skirt pattern that shows the top and tailing cutting layout but also the curved upper section for fitting over the hips!

And this section is repeated a few times, handy for those who were collecting the magazines by month!

Plate 178 has a style I love, the self trimmed gown, the vertical folds at the neck.

Maybe I can do this with my princesse petticoat? It would make it so very much more useful!

There are other volumes online too!